およそ1年ぶりとなるSMaSH American IPA。SMaSH(スマッシュ)とは、Single Malt and Single Hopの頭文字をとったもの。つまり、使用するのは1種類の麦芽と1種類のホップのみ。素材の個性を最大限に引き出したビールとなっています。
麦芽はエールの本場イギリスで最高級とされる品種Maris Otterに、これまでも奈良醸造のIPAで使ってきたホップ、Simcoeを大量に投入しました。ふくよかな麦芽の風味と、柑橘を思わせるジューシーな味わいをお楽しみください。
When designing a beer recipe, we consider a combination of malts and hops. As for malt, based on balancing "tastes, color and aroma", we normally blend several types of malts. As for hop, we design recipe to make it possible to successfully extract the various character of bitterness and aroma. However, this time, we challenged brewing completely opposite to such philosophy. We used single malt and single hop. By using plenty of good quality malt and hop, we tried to maximize the individuality of malt and hop. We used the Maris Otter, which is the highest quality malt used for ale in UK. And we used Simcoe, which is one of the representing current IPA Hop.