モンキー ツインズ(2022)
今回のリリースは、宮城県気仙沼市のBlack Tide Brewing(BTB)とのコラボビール。
BTBの得意とするHazyなビールをJamesさんのアドバイスのもと、奈良醸造のテイストを織り交ぜ、アルコール度数の控えめなHazy Pale Aleを造りました。
Nara Brewing and Black Tide Brewing are proud to announce the release of our collaboration beer. This time, with the advice from James, the head brewer of Black Tide Brewing, we have mixed in Nara Brewing's taste of reducing the alcohol content as much as possible to create not a Hazy IPA, but a Hazy Pale Ale with a moderate alcohol content. The dense hop aroma in the glass is a complex mix of peach, pineapple, mango, berry, citrus, and other aromas that change with each sip. The smooth mouthfeel is the result of the abundant use of oats. On the other hand, the moderate alcohol content makes it easy to drink, and we have tried to keep a good balance so that you will not get tired of drinking it even if you drink it in a pint glass.