インテグラル ブレットバージョン(2020)
クラシックセゾン”Integral(インテグラル)”には「別バージョン」が存在します。その名もBrett Version(ブレットバージョン)。
瓶詰めされるビールは同じものですが、こんなにも違うものになるのか、と作り手も日々変わりゆくコンディションにワクワクしています。このBrett Version、お手元で熟成を進めていただければ、更に複雑さを増していくビールとなっています。
The "Integral" has alternative version. It called "Brett Version". The base beer is the same as the "Integral", but the difference is that a small amount of Brettanomyces is added during the bottling process, and the beer undergoes a secondary fermentation in the bottle. It has a fruity taste from the saison yeast and a spicy taste from Brettanomyces. Described as "FUNKY" in English, this unique and complex flavor is something that has beer geek enthused. It's the same beer in nature, but the brewers are excited to see how different it can be, and to see the conditions of the beer changing day by day.