だんだんと暖かくなるこれからの季節に飲みたい、軽やかなジャーマンピルスナー「DAYLONG」をリリースします。 アルコール度数は控えめに、その名の通り1日中飲んでいられるビールに仕上がりました。
使用したHallertau Hersbruckerホップ は、ドイツの伝統的なノーブルホップのひとつ。繊細な花のような香りと、柔らかな草原を思わせるアロマが特徴。そこにMerkurホップ を組み合わせることで、スパイシーさとハーバルな香りを加え、バランスの取れた苦味を生み出しました。
We are releasing DAYLONG, a refreshing German Pilsner perfect for the warming days ahead. With a modest alcohol content, this beer lives up to its name—designed to be enjoyed all day long.
Beer styles can broadly be divided into two categories: lagers and ales. Among lagers, Pilsner is considered one of the most common styles, with many major Japanese breweries producing Pilsner-style beers.
Pilsner was born in the 19th century in Pilsen, Czech Republic, and later evolved distinctively in Germany. Compared to Czech Pilsners, German Pilsners have a lighter color and emphasize hop aroma and bitterness.
DAYLONG respects this Pilsner tradition and is brewed using exclusively German ingredients—malt, hops, and yeast.
We used Hallertau Hersbrucker hops, one of Germany's traditional noble hops, known for its floral notes and soft, meadow-like aroma. Combined with Merkur hops, it adds spicy and herbal notes to create a balanced bitterness.
On the palate, the hop aroma harmonizes with the sweetness of the malt and subtle toastiness, offering depth while remaining effortlessly drinkable. The pleasant bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste evokes the arrival of spring.
DAYLONG aims to be a craft beer that can be enjoyed without pretense. Whether it's a lunchtime pint, a peaceful afternoon, or a relaxing evening, we hope you'll treat yourself to a glass as a small reward in your daily life.