2024年6月2日、5年振りに奈良醸造で開催したイベント「BEER AFTER SAUNA(ビアアフターサウナ)」。奈良醸造内にテントサウナとスパイスフードが出現し、大いに賑わいました。お越しくださった皆さま、本当にありがとうございました!
イベントでいち早く開栓した、イベントと同名のビール「BEER AFTER SAUNA」。その名の通り、サウナのために造られたビール。ゴーゼという、ドイツ発祥のサワーエールです。
こうしてできあがったBEER AFTER SAUNA。しっかりとしたキウイの香りの中に、マンダリンや乳酸由来の柑橘感がほんのりと感じられ、心地よい爽やかな酸味が口いっぱいに広がります。
Recently, Nara Brewing organized the 'Beer After Sauna' event for the first time in five years. The brewery featured a tent sauna and spicy food, creating a lively atmosphere. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
One of the event's highlights was the early release of our new beer, 'Beer After Sauna'. As the name suggests, this beer was crafted specifically for enjoying after a sauna session. It is a Gose, a sour ale that originated in Germany.
This beer style is characterized by the use of salt and fermentation with lactic acid bacteria. Originally, it was created to help miners replenish salts and minerals lost through heavy sweating.
While traditional Gose uses salt and coriander, we gave it a summer twist by adding kiwi and mandarin to create a fruit Gose. Instead of lactic acid bacteria, we used a special yeast that produces lactic acid during fermentation.
The result is 'Beer After Sauna', which features a kiwi aroma with subtle hints of mandarin and citrus notes from the lactic acid, offering a pleasant, refreshing tartness.
The bitterness is mild, but the saltiness provides a satisfying finish, making it a beer you can enjoy repeatedly. It's the perfect drink for after a sauna session or for the upcoming season.
Not only is it great for rehydration, but it also pairs wonderfully with a variety of dishes. Give it a try!