今回、主役のホップはHuell Melon。その名の通り、熟したメロンのような香りが特徴的なホップです。これにかけ合わせるのは、今や大人気のホップのひとつ、Mosaic。こちらも名は体を表すかの如く、トロピカルフルーツやベリー、柑橘など様々な香りが組み合わさったホップです。
グラスを傾けると、まずはHuell Melon由来の熟したメロンのような香りが感じられ、次に口に含めば、Mosaic由来の様々な果実感が口中に溢れ、セゾン酵母由来の清涼感が喉を通り抜けていき、果実感を伴った爽やかな苦味が余韻として残ります。
This time of release is a Hoppy Saison brewed with Saison yeast, which originated in Belgium, combined with hops used in current American IPAs. According to the Beer Style Guidelines (published by the Craft Beer Association), this style is classified an "American-Belgo-Style Ale". NBCo. has been experimenting with the chemistry of Saison yeast and hops for some time now, using different hop combinations for each release - Kopernikus, Kepler, Pascal and Laplace. This time, the main hop is Huell Melon. As its name suggests, this hop has a characteristic aroma of ripe melon. It is paired with Mosaic, one of the most popular hops for IPAs, which, also as the name suggests, has a combination of tropical fruit, berry and citrus aromas.